I grew up with house full of Sag's and Scorpios' so for me my life was filled with fun and some responsibility, (damn Scorpios) but that responsibility was there to honor our lessons and to provide the grounding for that Sagittarius play that always leads to finding your greatest gift. What Sagittarius teaches us is that when we play we open doors to our creative gifts and in turn we give back to the universe, organically. It teaches us that our gifts are indeed needed and wanted by this universe and are essential for it's growth. Think about it, when was the last time you really had fun and what about that moment in you, did you feel the happiest? It was most likely when you were sharing something of yourself, or that you've created, it was when you were deep in your truth!
This week's new moon (Sun and Moon In Sag) makes a positive connection with Uranus (rebellion-unique gifts), this will be especially good for Aquarius within 6 degrees of 11 degrees of Aquarius. This will provide some amazing insight, a blot of pure genius I like to call this, because it will also transform you! Because Uranus is in Aries, it will stimulate us to take more risks with that thought, take it to the next level!
Uranus and Pluto still squaring off signaling revolution within and in our outside world, just look at our political system! There is a new dawn emerging, one where women will become more visible and respected leaders around the world, as Venus stuck in Capricorn in retrograde goes back and forth with Pluto, transforming a mostly patriarchal society into a more balanced place for all to live. And of course, Jupiter in Cancer in a very supportive aspect to Saturn in Scorpio, and Mars going into Libra, this is the time for women to step up to the plate and hit it out of the ballpark! More on this on December 10 when I will have Marianne Williamson on as a guest (THRILLLED)
Join us Tuesday December 3, 11 am pst/2 om est on Pure Pollino as we delve into everything i talk about here with much more detail and we take your calls and check into the chat room for more questions about your specific chart!
I am putting this video up for 2 reasons...1. I love me some Heart, and 2. These women lead an all male band and were one of the first truly integrated bands in the late 70's to write their own music, sing and produce their own music. They were pioneers in the industry that was male-dominated and I love this song because it symbolizes the magic of this new moon!
So this week, I am daring you, no I am double daring you - do the thing you love this week, with complete abandon, no little voices in your head, just do it and see what happens, this is the kind of new moon that begs for it! Each sign is affected by this new moon so take advantage of this energy of transformation, magic and fun!
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