Tuesday, March 18, 2014


This weeks Pure Pollino Show had a few surprises of fascinating knowledge that will make you think differently about our history and future choices. 
We hope you'll watch or listen at this link > http://bit.ly/18f6iRp


STORM'S A BREWIN! It’s called a Cardinal Grand Cross. Cardinal signs are natural leaders and their mode is pioneering. Whether its Cancer actively exploring emotion, or Aries conquering new roads for self expression, cardinal signs ALWAYS initiate change — so what in store for YOU? For 40 years, +Astrologer Thomas Parsons has been reading the universe, he joins us to delve a little deeper into what's happening, PLUS +Michelle Pollino and +Rachel Lang share your weekly scopes.


This week brings new, profound insights as Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your sign and lines up next to your ruling planet. Expect wild dreams, creative visions, and personal revelations. What’s more, all conversations with others have an illusive ambiguity that might be a bit confusing for you sensitive water signs. You’re not going to get the commitment you want at this moment, but it is coming. This goes for you in sales, especially. Now is the time to turn a phrase. Push gently if you have to. In love, Pisces, there are changes brewing, and this is not the time to cling to anything. Surrender your need to know what to do and just be.

The big luminary of the sky (the Sun) is moving into your sign Thursday of this week, Aries. It’s going to be all about you for the next month. With Mercury in dreamy Neptune, you climb a creative peak, but it only comes if you sit still enough to dig deeply into your psyche and access your psychological and spiritual self. Everyone wants to pay you for your brilliant ideas. Network to attract new clients, or spend some time writing your book or screenplay. In love, Mars, the sign of passion, is in your opposite sign of Libra. You have attractive energy at this time, but make sure you’re definite about what you want to attract. For you single Aries, keep it light and fun. For those of you involved, this week feels like you’ve taken a shot of truth serum. Let those thoughts surface, then adjust your words to communicate with kindness.

This is a stellar week for you in many respects. First of all, you have professional focus. Work is your outlet this week. Take the opportunity to check tasks off your to do list. Work on taxes early and then relax knowing you’ve got that off your plate. There are many movements in your personal life, and momentum moving you forward into the next chapter of your life. If you’re in a relationship, trust that the changes you’re facing are ultimately for the best, even if things feel intangible or uncertain. For you single Tauruses, this is a great time to do work to call in the one. Make a vision board, write out your list of ideal characteristics, and focus your intention. Love is coming.

You are center stage this week. For those of you in performing arts, that means seek any opportunity to audition. Let your light shine, and you will illuminate others. This is a great week to change up your look with a makeover or shopping adventure. You are testing your boundaries with others, and for that, you need the self-esteem required to assert yourself. Subtle shifts in the external will result in internal strength for you. In love, all signs point to YES! Move forward with commitment if you’ve finally found “the one”, even if he or she is a “maybe”. Deep commitments can lead to big, wonderful heart openings and blessings.  

As the Sun moves into Fiery Aries, you feel this irresistible need to push yourself beyond the limits, professionally and personally. Before you register for the Iron Man competition or take on a monumental project at work, assess your priorities and needs. You want to do everything…like now. That’s a recipe for burnout. Yes, you have the energy to accomplish a lot right now, but pace yourself so you don’t lose sight of the people in your life who need your attention as well. Friends, family, and loved ones need your intuition and your ear. Let them lean on you, and see the blessings in that process. Align yourself with another cardinal sign (Capricorn, Aries, or Libra) for a partnership that will push you past your internal blocks and limits. In love, Cancer, try to keep perspective. You don’t have to overwhelm yourself there, either. Just relax and enjoy.

As the Sun moves into another fire sign, your personal magnetism draws an audience. This will influence your professional life, as you have the energy you need to  reach success. If you question your ability to achieve the destiny you want (to be the Broadway star, the CEO, or tour with a band), know that the questions represent the absence of faith. Hitch your wagon to a star, and don’t let go. In love, Leo, are you settling for good enough? If so, know that your fierce loyalty can be a trap that can make you feel stuck. Keep your options open, and listen to your intuition. If it’s not right for the long term, you don’t have to drop any bombs. Just pay attention, and the right timing will unfold for a decision.

The messenger planet is in opposing Pisces, and it’s linked up with Neptune, the great healer planet. You’ll be bathing in the river Jordan, clearing your soul, purifying your body. That’s good. Clean house- internally and externally. Attend to your health and wellbeing. However, if you expect certainty and definite answers at this time, you may be disappointed. Ride the wave of possibility without expectation. In work, you have new ideas for success. Pursue those vigorously, as you are aimed to hit your target. Connect with others to network. Be very direct with your words. Ask for what you want. In love, Virgo, turn off your mind and open your heart. Practice meditation to help you still yourself to receive guidance.

As the Sun moves into your opposite sign, your thoughts focus on relationships. Your self-esteem has been shaken a bit, and Mars in your sign is driving your ego a little crazy. The combo may bring up abandonment fears or insecurities. You have no room for that toxic influence in your life right now! So, trust instead. Your finances draw your attention this week because you have a bit of extra cash flow. Save it up and take an adventure this summer, or consider making that big purchase in April, right around the 7th.  Work brings more rewards in the coming months, so you have some extra security right now.

This week gives you an opportunity to tap into your subconscious mind and clear any residue from your past. You are on a journey of self-discovery. Hold on tight and enjoy that ride. Many of you Scorpios are making commitments right now. You are purchasing real estate, making romantic commitments, and making commitments to supporting your families. This process enables monumental growth. You’ll seal the deal in two short weeks. If you need to purchase a new car, wait a week for Mercury to adjust to being out of its shadow and in a new sign. You wouldn’t want to rush it! In love, take a weekend getaway for a romantic adventure. Even a day trip would be helpful for your partnership. If you’re single, and frustrated, ask yourself where you may be blocking yourself from manifesting the one.

You are champions this week, and every effort you make results in success. You’ve felt pushed beyond your capacity for months, but now you’re almost at your recovery interval. Before you can rest on your laurels, you have one more hill to climb. This is an exciting time, requiring your focus and effort, but the rewards are huge. If you are trying to land a new job or secure a better financial future for yourself, good news comes this week. Though there are details to work through, you can see a brighter horizon. In love, trust Divine timing. You are a manifesting machine right now.

The Universe is making you a bit uncomfortable right now…in the best way possible. You are being asked to take on challenges that may feel beyond your scope of experience or expertise. Now is not the time to shy away from success. Rather, say yes. You learn fast and are capable. Be gentle with yourself as you climb this learning curve. Trust your abilities and skills, and trust others to have patience with you as you climb the ladder of success. In your personal lives, you may be required to take care of family members this week who need your assistance. Maintain a careful balance between your personal and professional lives to avoid burnout. In love, this is a smooth, easy time. Just enjoy!

I suggest you play Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” on repeat this week. That’s how you’re going to feel. You receive good news, calls from friends, and surprise visits. With all of this activity, can you find any down time? You need to carve it out for yourselves, or you will tip the scales out of balance. Be the social butterfly Friday and Saturday, but then have a romantic night in on Sunday. In love, Aquarius, you can do no wrong. Say what you want, and trust that it will be well received. Trust  also, in the Universe’s ability to deliver exactly what you want at any given time. You get to have what you want. You get to create the life you desire. And it is happening now.

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